Our dark room courses are starting again at the end of Oct. We have added a new creative darkroom weekend course which is for everyone, photographers and non-photographers.
Below is a list of our courses and their dates
To sign up e-mail smithfieldarts@gmail.com
Below is a list of our courses and their dates
To sign up e-mail smithfieldarts@gmail.com
Introduction to the Black and White Darkroom
This course is a basic introduction to printing and film development.
Block T will provide all chemicals needed for the duration of the course and paper for the first few weeks.
Course Pre-Requisites
Must be able to use a manual or automatic analogue camera to produce a well-exposed black and white film. (35mm or 120)
Course Overview
You will learn:
Darkroom safety, how to use equipment and mix chemicals
Creating photograms
How to develop and store black and white film
Creating contact sheets
Black and white basic printing
Creating test prints
Using multi-grade filters
Course Format and Duration
4 x 3 hour sessions. There will be two separate courses running mornings (11am to 2pm) and evenings (6:30pm to 9:30pm). Six students per class.
Course Dates: Mornings – 24thOct, 31thOct, 7th Nov and 14th Nov
Evenings - 24thOct, 31thOct, 7th Nov and 14th Nov
Course Fees: Day Time course €155
Evening course €165
Intermediate Black and White Darkroom Techniques
Block T will provide all chemicals needed for the duration of the course and paper for the first few weeks.
Course Pre-Requisites
Completed course DPD01 or have a basic knowledge of developing film and black and white printing
Course Overview
You will learn:
About “pushing” and “pulling” negatives in the developing stage and develop a “pushed” film
How to enhance your black and white print through dodging, burning and split-grade printing
This course will enable students to create a fine art black and white print
Course Format and Duration
4 x 3 hour sessions. There will be two separate courses running mornings (11am to 2pm) and evenings (6:30pm to 9:30pm). Six students per class.
Course Dates: Mornings - 26thOct, 2nd Nov, 9th Nov, 16th Nov
Evenings - 26thOct, 2nd Nov, 9th Nov, 16th Nov
Course Fees: Day Time course €165
Evening course €175
Advanced Darkroom Printing
Block T will provide all chemicals needed for the duration of the course. Ilford 8x10 fibre based papers will also be provided for the course. You will be introduced to different makes and types of fibre base paper but if you have a preference for a certain type or make of paper you should bring it to the class.
Course Pre-Requisites
Completed course DPD02 or have advanced knowledge of black and white printing
You will learn:
How to use different fibre based papers
Selenium toning
Sepia toning
Single colour and multi-colour toning
Course Format and Duration
Weekend course consisting of 2 x 6 hour sessions (10:30am to 5:30pm, Sat & Sun). Six students per class.
Course Dates: 26th and 27th November
Course Fees: €200
Introduction to 35mm SLR film cameras
This course is highly recommended for anyone who has not used an analogue camera for a long time or for anyone who has never used an analogue camera prior to taking the darkroom printing course. Block T will provide black and white film for this course.
Course Pre-Requisites
It is recommended that you bring your own 35mm SLR manual camera.
You will learn:
How to operate a 35mm manual SLR camera
Loading film
Using internal light meter
Exposures – Relationship between F-stops and shutter speeds
Depth of field
Course Format and Duration
One-day course consisting of 5-hour session (11am to 5pm Sunday) 9 students per class
Course Dates: 23rd Oct
Course Fees: €65
Creative Darkroom- Making Pin Hole cameras and Photograms
This course is for photographers and none photographers; it’s about using the darkroom to create image with out using film.
You will be able to push your creative and have great fun.
There will also be two lectures running this course so there will be a lot of one on one time, as the class will be split in two,
Block T will provide all chemicals, paper and material needed for the duration of the course.
Course Pre-Requisites
None, But if you have any empty boxes like a shoe box would be ideal, bring it along to make your Pin hole cameras.
You will learn:
Darkroom safety
Creating Photograms using different techniques eg. (Spraying developer and solarisation)
How to make a Pin Hole camera (which you will get to take home at end of course)
How to take and develop a photography, using the Pin Hole cameras.
Course Format and Duration
Weekend course consisting of 2 x 6 hour sessions (11:00am to 5:00pm, Sat & Sun). With a break of an hour for lunch.
Eight students per class.
Course Dates: 19th and 20th November
Course Fees: €105
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